Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It Sparkles

I’m married, and although it might not be a perfect union, I made promises. While shopping one day, I decided to purchase a cheap wedding ring. Not that I’m a raging beauty, but I want to make it clear when I go out in Francine mode. (I really don’t think it matters, but you never know, I might meet a near sighted sugar daddy).

More than marriage vows, though, the ring looks fabulous and it makes my fingers look great. I wore it the other day while writing in the car when the sun hit my hand and lit up the stone. If I didn’t know how much I paid, I’d swear it was a real brilliant cut diamond. Shafts of light flow through the prism and cast it casts colored spots everywhere. It sparkles with the brilliance of a real stone.

My life is a lot like that fake stone. Every once in a while, the light is just right and I look like the real thing, a genetic woman. I look forward to the time after counseling, when I start HRT and my body changes. Eventually, I won’t be fake anymore. I will sparkle, too.

I hope you have a wonderful day. Love Francine.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck in all your endeavors. Wearing a ring, even if it is not genuine, is a good reminder of your dual nature.
    I wear panties and pantyhose ( and sometimes bras and camis) under my male clothes about 90% of the time. I find that the garments serve as a tactile connection to my femme nature.
